domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009

The Master of Suspense

"There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it”. A.H.

He is considered the master of the thriller genre a brilliant technician that blend sex, suspense and humor like no other. His first job in the movie industry was in 1919, but when he started like an illustrator of title cards for silent films nobody could imagine what Alfred Hitchcock would mean to the movie industry.

More than direct movies he direct the public, he believes that the public subconscious was the perfect instrument. He made the spectator accomplice, he wants to involve the public with the plot, he break the diagram of the public making the unexpected happened like in Psycho when he kills the main character in the middle of the movie, making this scene one of the most impact scenes ever since in the film industry.

Hitchcock used to express himself through visual, auditory and subliminal effects, and surprising tricks that made the public get scared or giggle nervously. Some of his more famous techniques are the relation real time/ filmic in the same sequence, the truncated photography, optical tricks, lens multiplication , image superposition, and strange decorations so strange that in one occasion Salvador Dalí paint for one of his movies decorations.

Also he appeared briefly in many of his own films, usually playing upon his portly figure in an incongruous manner. In 37 of his movies you can find a cameo appearance.

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